Thursday, July 31, 2008

July's Random

What would July be without your monthly does of randomness?

This was actually taken at the's me and K....

Kaley and Daisy...

Just a silly shot...

She was getting hot and a little irritated with my camera HAHA...

some practicing with Daisy

out of focus but my granny took this pic of my little silly fish!...

The Tigers at the Natural Science Center in Greensboro, NC...

Kitty with no name

We got a kitten a couple of months ago and she's getting so big. There's just one problem-she doesn't have a name. Leave your suggestions in the comment area please!

Williamsburg, VA

I wish I had more to post from our trip Williamsburg beacause it truly is a beautiful place but I stayed to busy at Busch Gardens riding the crazy rides!! This is my favorite picture that I took there...

Meet the Griffon!! The craziest ride I have ever been on and will never go on again! It's a great coaster but not very friendly to those of us who are scared of heights...

Bugs Beach Shoot

I took Bug out for her first "on location" shoot and my little model did fabulous! I was very pleased with all of the pics and I know next year (when she follows directions better) will be even better!

This one is my personal favorite. I think it's how innocent she looks...

It's my party...

Bug's Beach Party! My baby is TWO!

Girls Trip 2008

It was time for our annual beach trip again (that's where the fireworks pics came from too). We went down to Oak Island for some R&R and had a great time. For me our trip is also a family trip and my SIL and my 6 month old nephew came along too...enjoy!

Anna on the phone:

Amy reading....

Lauren, Wy Man and Bug

Lauren and Wy Man...

My fav!....

At least it's still July

It's no secret! I'm a terrible blogger and can't seem to keep this thing up to date to save my life but OH WELL!

Let's travel back in time to July 4, 2008