Feb 23-Hubby, me, and the B.'s took off to WV for some snow adventure. We got up at the crack of dawn, actually the sun was still sleeping, and hit the road. By the time we made it to the mountains the sun was starting to rise and it was beautiful dipping into the fog filled valleys.

The only thing we did was snow tube and I didn't have my Nikon with me (didn't want to break it) and of course silly me didn't check the batteries in my point and shoot so this is really the only other picture I got that was worth anything and of course I played around with it.
The B.'s

Needless to say it wasn't the best of times and it wasn't the worst of times but I speak for myself only when I say this but if I'm riding 3 hours in a car it better be to sit my booty down in a chair in front of the ocean soaking in the warm sunshine! I'm such a beach person!