oh my wow! I have totally neglected this blog and I am once again going to resolve to do better! Things have changed so much around here that time is even more precious and unfortunatly taking pictures doesn't happen as often as it used to. But here a few things to catch up on...
1) I have a new laptop! which is great considering my other one was 5 years old which as we know is ancient in computer world
2) I'm in cosmetology school! I have found yet another way to indulge my creative side :)
3) I mostly just do weddings these days and help my cousin Pam with hers in Charlotte, NC
and that's about the wrap up. That list is the reason I haven't been here and for that I apologize. But just hang on 'cause I'm gonna be a postin'!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I did a session earlier this month to mark a young man's milestone of entering high school. He was a little shy at the start of the session but he warmed up before long.

All She Wants To Do Is Dance...
You have all seen this beautiful face before...it's Tori. This was her third year of dance and unfortunately I had to miss her recital because of another family wedding so I took some shots of her in her costumes. She has watched one too many episodes of "America's Next Top Model" with her mom, as she knew all the right flattering poses.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Wylie Twins
I had the pleasure of shooting Jacob and Isabella Wylie's first birthday pictures. I went to college with their mommy (she was my RA) and it was so nice to reconnect with her and her husband Don. They drove up from Kannapolis for this shoot and it was even threatening rain but it turned out to be perfect weather. So meet Jake and Bella:

Sorry honey, but I'm in love...
with the Nikon D90 that is. And the little sidekicks that came along with the package that came just make my new love that my sweeter. Yep, I'm talking lenses! I am now the proud mommy to not only the D90 but an 18-105mm and a 70-300mm. They're not the yummiest lenses available but sometimes you have to start pretty good to get to great.
As soon as the battery charged I was out with the bug taking pics.

As soon as the battery charged I was out with the bug taking pics.

Beautiful Bride
I had the honor of taking my cousin Cerissa's bridal pictures. She is going to be so gorgeous at her wedding in June (which I also get to photograph!) But this was my first bridal session so I'm happy that it was her face I got to photograph. So here ya go.....
(PS-these were taken with the D40)

(PS-these were taken with the D40)

Monday, April 27, 2009
It's been fun D40
I am pleased to announce that my D40 will be shipped off to it's new family in the morning. I know it will have a good home and I can even visit it if I would like lol. It even has an exciting trip planned to Alaska next month. So that means Mama got an upgrade!! Say hello to my new additions...
They are scheduled to arrive Thursday which is just in time for my session with the Wylie twins!!! I can't wait!! :)
They are scheduled to arrive Thursday which is just in time for my session with the Wylie twins!!! I can't wait!! :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
So Excited!!
My cousin Cerissa is getting married on June 6th and I shot their engagement pictures back in January and today I'm getting to shoot her bridals. I've never had a bridal session before and I'm glad that I get to start with her! I just wanted to let you in on that so you know what to expect in the next few posts.....off to take some bridals!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you, my very few readers, that Kitty the cat had kittens!! She had to little fluffy babies and they're so cute!!! One of them already has a forever home with my mom and I'm pretty sure that one's a girl and her name will be "Poppy" and I'm not sure where the other one will end up. So meet Poppy and his/her sister/brother:
Poppy is the white faced kitten

and the proud Mama Kitty.
Poppy is the white faced kitten

and the proud Mama Kitty.

Easter Sunday
As I said earlier I love Easter but I was struggling to make it through the day after waking up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready for sunrise service. Truth be told I wasn't supposed to get up until 5:30 but apparently I was snoring and a quick elbow to my arm was my wake up call instead. So just like any other holiday in the Elliott house me and Bug had here, there, and everywhere to go. And of course my camera tagged along and I was able to get some pretty fantastic shots of the rugrats in my family.
You've all seen this cute little girl before..this is Tori

This is Leah
This is Allyson...fun fact...her and Leah are sisters and they are 11 months apart

This handsome little fella is Wyatt, my nephew

And this is Tori with her mom, Angela. They're both very photogenic!

and this is a little out take that most all mom's can relate too. When your kid is around 6 years old they start to not want to be around you and you "seriously embarrass them" so they make faces at you when you're not looking...hehehe!
You've all seen this cute little girl before..this is Tori

This is Leah

This is Allyson...fun fact...her and Leah are sisters and they are 11 months apart

This handsome little fella is Wyatt, my nephew

And this is Tori with her mom, Angela. They're both very photogenic!

and this is a little out take that most all mom's can relate too. When your kid is around 6 years old they start to not want to be around you and you "seriously embarrass them" so they make faces at you when you're not looking...hehehe!

Easter Dress
Wow! This year is already flying by! Here it is April and Easter. Easter is one of my favorite holidays though. It never ceases to amaze me how great God truly is and while that feeling is always with me it becomes amplified this time of year. And of course there's the feminine side of Easter where us girls buy a new outfit just for the occasion. Kaley is no exception to the rule..except she didn't buy it or pick it out but still she'll understand one day!

and of course we have to show Daddy how pretty we look ;)

and of course we have to show Daddy how pretty we look ;)

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