I've been away for awhile and I've missed my ol' blog. I still don't know what was causing my mystery illness but I'm glad it's gone! So let's play catch up!
*I shot a wedding
*I got a new lens
*I have 3 weddings booked for this summer
*I spent some time with both of my nephews
*It snowed here...TWICE!
That's about all. So picture wise let's catch up:
Nall Wedding, February 14, 2009

Time with my darling and very handsome nephews:

and Wyatt

and like I said, we had some snow. Around 3-4 inches on Monday March 2. It was beautiful!

and the weather on Friday, March 7 was nothing short of gorgeous with near 80 degree weather. But that's typical North Carolina season changing weather! So of course we got out with my camera in tow and soaked up some sun!

and what every mother lives for....me and Bug